Time passed so fast! A celebration for myself...Anniversary

Since I got an offer from a broadcasting company, I've worked for a year. People might be questioning the title of this article "Anniversary". haha~

It's quite difficult for me to work in a company for a year, particular in south of Taiwan. I have to admit: I'm a easy-going guy, but not easy compromise from work. By the way, I don't like to have any connection with my collegues after work. I don't mind if they call me a 'freak'. I prefer to hanging around with those who have a sincere mind or have some talents, not always gossiping behind others. Unfortunely, collegues in my company, they like to play "good friends" game...mmm...Perhaps, it's the way to survive in the city jungle. To be or not to be, I still do my own way.

From now on, I'm looking forward to getting motivated from different   

    職場現形記 radio english

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