A latest news shocked throughout the USA is an Asia gunman shot down 33 students (including himself). The issue of the students' safety in the campus has become a hot topic again.

Michael Moore, a documental film maker, has made a film called "Bowling for Columbine". In the film, it portrays the rise of the gun violence and gun abuse in the campus by interviewing the survivors from the Columbine High School massacre.

Easy to obtain a gun is a reason which have been discussed for many years. I'm going to leave the topic. Here, I would like to gain insight into an increasing phenomenon of living disorder. There are plenty of reasons caused living disorders. One of the most serious problems is young generation addicted to internet.

With the increasing population of network users, human behaviors have dramatically changed in today's society. Instead of face-to-face social activities, the younger feel more comfortable to make friends in a virtual world. The longer they stay in front of the computer, the easier they cast them out from the reality. They become silent and have problem to talk in public.

In terms of social interaction, they get used to chat online sentence by sentence, which reduces their writing abilities. They couldn't express their thinking properly in the print. In addition, they express themselves in an aggressive way by using rude and coarse language. Interestingly, they won’t respect others from their heart.

Finally, there are hundred thousands of information (including violence and sex) can be searched from the net. Without an efficient gatekeeper, they’re absorbed large amount of junk information, imitating and putting into practice in real life. Therefore, building up a well-organized ratio classification on the net is essential way to prevent the youth from being living disorder.

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